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ニューヨークで大人気!カツサンド専門店オープン!Katsu Sando has arrived in New York! EAVIL KATSU in East village, Manhattan



メニューに”Katsu SANDO”と日本語が使われ、雑誌でfeatureされたり、”人気サンドイッチトップテン”にカツサンドがランクインしたり。

マンハッタン のイーストビレッジに今年7月、”Evil Katsu”がオープン。

Evil Katsu web: https://evilkatsu.com

In New York City, the Japanese Katsu Sando is very popular these days. The Japanese word “Katsu Sando” is used on the menu, and it was featured in a US magazine. The Katsu Sando was ranked in the “Top Ten Most Popular Sandwiches”.

Evil Katsu” opened this summer in Manhattan’s East Village, and the three owners are NYers who have never been to Japan. They were working at a Michelin restaurant, but all three lost their jobs due to the pandemic, so they decided to take on a new challenge: Katsu. The portions are huge, but the NYers love it. If you’re ever in New York, go and try it!

I also love the Portobello Sando here!


Instagram: @yasuko_newyork
official website: https://www.newyorkyasuko.com